Data First
Automate the collection of your utility bill data and capture real-time meter data for a holistic view of your utility use.
Track energy efficiency, carbon reduction, and cost-saving initiatives with Jadetrack energy management software.
Increase stakeholder engagement with meaningful insights delivered in a way that makes sense.
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.
Automate the collection of your utility bill data and capture real-time meter data for a holistic view of your utility use.
Review your building’s performance by comparing buildings within your portfolio and against peers
Implement improvements to boost efficiency and capture savings.
“Excepteur sint occaecat cupid atat non proident?”
-Jane Doe, CCO
JadeTrack positions the utility as a trusted energy advisor to improve customer relationships and create better engagement through data.
“Excepteur sint occaecat cupid atat non proident?”
-Jane Doe, CCO
We provide a single source of critical information for all stakeholders through our utility bill management, facility benchmarking, real-time monitoring, and sustainability reporting software.
Automate the collection of your utility bill data and capture real-time meter data for a holistic view of your utility use.
Review your building’s performance by comparing buildings within your portfolio and against peers
Implement improvements to boost efficiency and capture savings.
Review your building’s performance by comparing buildings within your portfolio and against peers
Store and organize all your data in a central cloud-based platform for tracking and analysis
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Does any of this sound familiar? If you’d like to talk through your energy management needs Reach out, We’d love to talk.
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Nullam Amet